Came across this rather interesting campaign by US mobile giants Sprint, they've strayed away from the usual lies that big firms pedal to their consumers and have opted for a more visually pleasing campaign that incorporates a great site and a series of commercials. The theme of this series of ads is the use of light to draw and is called Sprint Ahead, the artist in question is Jamie Kavisto who uses various flashlights to draw with. 'You can't draw with flashlights!' I hear you say, you're right, only once coupled with a time-lapse camera can the light drawings be revealed, take a look at video below to better illustrate my point.
I'm glad they've decided to target a younger audience with something people can actually enjoy, it seems that far too many companies/brands are too busy banging on about themselves, how great they and how they love nothing more than a bit of corporate arse licking. This has never been more true within digital media, where companies have endless scope to imagine what they'd like their campaign to be and with the progression of technology can produce campaigns thought unimaginable not so long age. Yet in 99% of cases brands are still sticking to the 'norm', by this I mean flogging dead pan ideas on websites, via SMS, Bluetooth and believing all things Social Networking are holy.